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Boopsi Button Class 37.2
Douglas Keller
February, 24 1993
0. Introduction
Buttonclass is a boopsi custom gadget which looks like a standard
gadtools button gadget. The buttonclass supports a couple of things
gadtools does not, the foreground and background color of the gadget
can be changed, and the gadget can be put into the selected state so
the gadget looks depressed.
ButtonClass is based on the example in the RKM Libraries manual.
1. Files
buttonclass.h - public include file for buttonclass
buttonclass.c - Sas/C 6.2 code for the buttonclass
buttonclass.o - scanned library containing the buttonclass
lmkfile - Sas/C 6.2 makefile
test - test program that uses buttonclass
test.c - source to test program
headers.h - system headers for buttonclass.c
make_gst.c - dummy .c file that includes headers.h, used so
#defines in headers.h are NOT ignored by mgst.
2. Using the ButtonClass
The buttonclass includes a set of functions to initialize and free the
Class *initButtonGadgetClass ( struct Library *IntuitionBase,
struct Library *UtilityBase, struct Library *GfxBase );
BOOL freeButtonGadgetClass ( Class *cl );
InitButtonGadgetClass() takes IntuitionBase, UtilityBase, and GfxBase
as arguments. The reason they are passed in rather then global is so
the buttonclass can be used in a reentrant program which has no
writable global data.
The Class returned by initButtonGadgetClass() is then passed to
NewObject() to create the gadget.
gad = NewObject(buttonClass, NULL,
GA_ID, 1L,
GA_Top, 20
GA_Left, 20,
GA_Width, 100,
GA_Height, 11,
GA_Immediate, TRUE,
GA_RelVerify, TRUE,
BUT_Text, "Label",
SetGadgetAttrs() can be used to change gadget attributes.
SetGadgetAttrs(gad, window, NULL, /* make the gadget selected */
GA_Selected, TRUE,
SetGadgetAttrs(gad, window, NULL, /* change gadget text */
BUT_Text, "new text",
Buttonclass supports the following gadgets.
BUT_Text - STRPTR used for the text of the gadget.
BUT_Color - Foreground (text) color of the gadget.
BUT_Key - char which should be underlined if found in BUT_Text.
BUT_BackColor - Background color of the gadget.
BUT_TextFont - TextFont struct to used for BUT_Text.
New of 37.2
BUT_Image - Image to display in the unselected state, (struct Image *)
BUT_SelectImage- Image to display in the selected state, (struct Image *)
GA_Disabled - Disabled TRUE or FALSE.
Currently the Images are drawn relative to the top left corner of
the gadget using the TopEdge and LeftEdge of Image. When I get some
time I am going to add support for different justifications of the
Images and Text.
If only a BUT_Image is given, the image is draw in the selected state
when it is selected. This allows boopsi images to be drawn in the
selected state.
3. Legal junk
Permission is granted to distribute this program and its documentation
for non-commercial purposes. This program may not be distributed for
a profit without permission from Doug Keller. Fred Fish has
permission to distribute this program as part of the Fred Fish
This code can be used for any purpose as long as credit is given.
4. Bugs and Info
If you would like to get in touch with me I can be reached on the
Bix : dkeller
Internet: dkeller@vnet.ibm.com